CF7 Skins Visual started – a drag and drop visual editor for Contact Form 7
CF7 Skins Visual We’ve started work on CF7 Skins Visual – a drag and drop visual editor for Contact Form 7 forms.
We believe many WordPress users would like to use a visual drag and drop interface similar to that available in other WordPress form plugins.
We decided to give people an option to use a drag and drop visual editor within CF7 Skins as a quick and easy way to create Contact Form 7 forms.
CF7 Skins Visual works right within the normal Contact Form 7 interface
CF7 Skins Visual Interface
Edit Contact Form 7 tags quickly & easily
Includes support for CF7 Skins unique innovative features & Add-ons
CF7 Skins Visual works with the other innovative features championed in CF7 Skins including Templates & Styles as well as integrated support for Fieldsets & Lists within your Contact Form 7 forms.
We’re very excited to be using React to build this extension to CF7 Skins. We are building it from the ground up to take advantage of what the React.js JavaScript library has to offer.
So far we’ve found React.js to be a terrific tool for building a visual interface within a WordPress plugin. Already we’ve seen very significant improvements when
