Do you have a professional reputation that screams integrity?

Some have described digital as a frontier where we push boundaries. But the frontier can be a rough place. Just look at the wild west. The frontier is wild, lawless and at times downright mean. People get hurt and only the fittest survive. It can feel like that at times when you work in digital.
Digital maybe the new frontier, but a frontier can be a rough place. Just look at the wild west.
There is no regulation, and more than one unscrupulous competitor has sunk a business. We are a sector that lacks diversity, equality and based on some Twitter conversations, even basic decency!
But this isn’t a post on our need for a professional body or governing standards. An interesting discussion though that is, I am more interested in our personal integrity. How does morality, ethics and integrity play a part in our professional lives? Why does integrity even matter in the business world?
Why Integrity Matters
It is the fact that we have no governing body or standards that makes our personal integrity so important. There is no way potential employers or clients can judge our suitability. Instead we live or die on our reputation and that is defined by how we handle ourselves in our professional
