End of Year Review

2016 has been a great year for my journey with Slackware. Slackware 14.2 finally got released on July 1 after 2 years of development. It's very stable and i'm sure everyone is pleased with this release as the best release ever. Eric Hameleers also released his Slackware Live project to public and enables new users to test Slackware in a live environment without having to install it on their hard drive (but they do have an option to install it if they like it). It's at 1.1.5 currently and documented very well in Slackware Documentation project. SlackBuilds repository for Slackware 14.2 also released in the same day as Slackware 14.2 gets announced.

MATE 1.14 and Cinnamon 3.0 got released in the same day as Slackware 14.2 and it's the first MATE  and Cinnamon release for Slackware 14.2. Few months later, MATE 1.16 and Cinnamon 3.2 landed as well in Slackware 14.2. It's will continue to be supported until next release of Slackware unless new version gets released.

SlackBuilds Project (SBo) also improved a lot with new maintainers coming in and new scripts are being added. We have just pushed our last public update in 2016. We have now reached 6200+ scripts in our repository, improving from around 5500 since last announcement.

Looking forward, we hope to see more contributions to Slackware Linux and SBo project in general. By buying stuffs in Slackware Store or subscribe to Slackware CD/DVD release, you can help Slackware Linux survive in the future. You can help SBo project by submitting new scripts and report to us whenever you found a bug in the scripts. You can report it on LQ, send it to maintainer directly, or send it to our mailing list if the maintainer does not respond in a timely manner.

See you all in 2017!!!