In-Depth WordPress Multilingual Setup Guide
Let’s first start out by saying, setting up a WordPress multilingual site can be very confusing! Even for seasoned WordPress developers and users, there are suddenly a lot of questions that get raised when first figuring out how to deliver your website in multiple languages. We actually just finished a multilingual setup on our site here at Kinsta ( and so we thought we would share our first-hand experience with you. Hopefully we can answer some of those questions or address any doubts you may have. There are a lot of advantages to having a multilingual site, so don’t let the technical aspects or SEO concerns scare you away. WordPress Multilingual Index
Multilingual Advantages
There are a lot of advantages to having a WordPress multilingual site, and depending upon the type of business you have it can be a great way to tap into an additional market.
1. SEO Advantages
One of the biggest advantages to having additional languages on your site is for SEO. Let’s say you have the content on your WordPress site translated into Spanish and German. Google will crawl your website and start indexing your additional languages as separate content. This means you
