Kinsta Launches Spanish Hosting Initiative and Website

We are always looking for ways to expand here at Kinsta and so we are happy to announce our new Spanish hosting initiative. There has been a lot of work put into making this happen and we are excited to finally share it with you. This includes members on the Kinsta team that can now assist you in Spanish, as well as the launch of our brand new Spanish website. You can check it out now at This will help us bring our managed WordPress hosting services to more people around the globe in their native language. Kinsta’s Spanish Hosting Initiative
There are hundreds of languages spoken around the world, but here are a few reasons why we chose to launch our Spanish hosting initiative and additional ways the Kinsta Spanish team can now assist you with your WordPress site.
1. Large Number of Spanish Websites and Users
According to W3Techs, as of November 2016, WordPress now powers over 27% of all websites. And Spanish is being used on over 5% of all websites. While that might not sound like a lot, we are talking about hundreds of thousands of websites! Large sites such as,,, and even all have Spanish versions
