Local by Flywheel

Here are a few (okay, many) of the reasons why Local is the best solution for local WordPress development! Isolated sites powered by Docker
Hot-swap between nginx or� Apache 2.4
Hot-swap between PHP versions
Change site URL by simply typing� in the new domain. Database will be safely updated
All files, databases, configs, and Local settings will be cloned
Site URL is automatically and safely changed
Available versions: 5.2.4, 5.2.17, �5.3.29, 5.6.20, 7.0.3, and more� coming soon
Xdebug included: One-click integration of Xdebug + PHPStorm (Included �Add-on)
Opcache included
Tunnel powered by ngrok
View your site on mobile devices, tablets, � and other computers around the world as � long as you have internet access
Test Stripe WebHooks, PayPal IPN, and �REST APIs
Support for both subdomain and �subdirectory installations
One-click to sync sub-domains to hosts file
Save any site as a blueprint to re-use later
All files, databases, config files, and Local settings will be restored
Export includes site files, databases, config� files, log files, and Local settings
Importing sites will restore all files, databases,� and configs automatically
Exclude files from your exports such as� archives,
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13936/local-by-flywheel

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/12/01/local-by-flywheel/