Overview of the WordPress Community in 2016

As 2016 comes to a close and we are looking forward to the next year we wanted to take some time and look at the WordPress activity within the whole community. Automattic published the past week their annual report, where you can check lots of statistics about their activity, WooCommerce, Jetpack, WordPress.com and WordPress VIP service. And at the beginning of this month, Matt Mullenweg introduced his well-known State of the Word for this year at WCUS.
If you are curious to find out more about what happened in the WordPress community this year, I invite you to read this article, even though it will probably be a slow read.
Community News
Matt focused on various topics on this year’s “State of Word” such as UX around WordPress today, goals for the future, WordPress Growth Council and important changes in the development process.
An important news is that WordPress Foundation will start supporting nonprofits and promoting hackathons for NGOs. There are already three events on the list to be sponsored for the next year: Hack the Hood, the Internet Archive and Black Girls Code.
About WordPress Growth Council, Matt stated that he expects that market share would begin to
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14075/overview-of-the-wordpress-community-in-2016

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/12/24/overview-of-the-wordpress-community-in-2016/