State of the Word 2016: The Significant One

Yesterday, Matt Mullenweg delivered his annual State of the Word speech at WordCamp US in Philadelphia. At about 54 minutes in, he started a section that I found quite fascinating and means that WordPress 4.7 (to be released on Tuesday) might be the last release as we know it. If this sounds too strong, let me explain why I believe we’ve just witnessed a true milestone in WordPress’ history. “What got us here, won’t get us there”
You generally don’t make big changes when things go well. It’s easy to get the perception that things have been going very well for WordPress recently. 4.7 is a great release, the market share is growing, community maturing and businesses thriving. Overall, everything seems to be going in the right direction and that’s what the first 50 minutes of SOTW were about.
But then you can go deeper. I have recently had a chance to watch a friend trying to build a site on WordPress without any previous exposure, and it was painful. Even I don’t build WP sites that often and when I do, I am amazed how “2000” some things still feel, from basic UX to plugin / theme quality to development workflows. In a
