Step by Step Installing Cacti on Ubuntu 14.04

What is Cacti :-

Cacti is an open source web based network monitoring tool front-end for the data logging tool called RRDtool. It allows users to check the services at an interval of time and resulting in the graph format.

Prerequisites :- 

Before starting Cacti installation we required following software to be installed over Ubuntu.

1- WebServer :- In my scenario, I am using apache2

2- PHP: -            We required PHP 

3- PHP-MySQL:     required PHP-MySQL extension to connect PHP code with MySQL database.

4- PHP-SNMP : PHP extension to help PHP code to manage remote devices via the SNMP ( Simple Network Management Protocol ).

5- MySQL : This is MySQL client. To use the MySQL client to manage the MySQL server database 

6- MySQL-server : This is RDBMS based MySQL Server .

7- Net-SNMP : Net-SNMP is a suite of software for using and deploying the SNMP protocol (v1, v2c and v3 and the AgentX subagent protocol).

Start Installation :

Step 1- Apache2 installation 
root@amar-virtual:~# apt install apache2
Step 2- PHP installation with SNMP and PHP-SNMP
root@amar-virtual:~# apt install php5 php5-mysql php5-snmp snmp php5-gd
Step 3- MySQL  installation
root@amar-virtual:~# apt install  mysql-server
Note:- During MySQL installation, it will ask for root password, set as per your requirement.
Step 4- RRD-Tool installation.
root@amar-virtual:~# apt install rrdtool
Step 5- SNMP & SNMPD installation.
root@amar-virtual:~# apt install snmp snmpd

Step 6- Cacti Installation
root@amar-virtual:~# apt install cacti cacti-spine
During installation,a pop-up message will appear just select Ok

 Now It will ask for web server select apache 2 and click on OK

Now, It will ask for Creating one cacti Database select YES

Now It will ask for database root user password enter and hit OK

Now it will ask a password for cacti user enter any and hit ok.

Reconfirm password and hit OK

Before we start the web configuration part, we need to start the snmpd service.
root@amar-virtual:~# /etc/init.d/snmpd start
* Starting network management services:
Now you can access http://ip-of-you-server/cacti after installation, the first login, the default account and password are “admin”.

Step 7- Complete Cacti installation using web browser :

Click Next :

Again keep new install and click Next

Now it will show you all the prerequisites status, when you see all ok click on Finish.

Once you click on Finish button, you will get login windows. Enter USERName- admin, Password- admin

Once you click on login button first time it will force to change password. change it.

Now you get a windows like below:

Installation of Cacti has been completed Successfully.

In the next blog, We will learn how to monitor devices using Cacti.

!!! That's it, Enjoy !!!!!