Sunday Surprises

* UKIPO IP study -- call for IP valuation experts
(This has been cross-posted with thanks from IP Finance.)

Jackie McGuire, at Coller IP, has informed us that she and Martin Brassell, at Inngot, are undertaking a study of the IP valuation market for the UK Intellectual Property Office, including the structure of the IP valuation market, motivations and barriers to engagement, and best practice in different contexts.

Call... call for experts...
Jackie notes that prior studies for the Intellectual Property Office have established that the majority of UK business investment, and business value, now lies in intangible rather than fixed, tangible assets. Despite this, companies do not always value their IP or take steps to protect the value that it underpins. The study builds on the report from the European Commission Expert Working Group on IP Valuation and Banking on IP. The results will be used to inform UK policy and to develop solutions to promote the wider adoption of IP and intangible asset valuation. 

All discussions on this study are using the Chatham House Rule. They will use the information received, and with permission, reference the company’s participation in a published report. While they would welcome the opportunity to use specific case studies, they will not link the personal identity of those interviewed or that of the company with specific comments or findings, without prior approval. 

Please contact or by 15th January 2017. 

* The launch of the Geneva Internet Dispute Resolution Policies 1.0 project
This GIDRP 1.0 project has emerged as a result of an international conference that took place at the University of Geneva on 17-18 June 2015, at which experts discussed numerous legal challenges surrounding Internet-related disputes.

The GIDRP 1.0 is a digital policy project -- it is conceived as a (policy) work in progress, that must be discussed, criticized and improved by a process of broad consultation and inclusive participation. On this basis, GIDRP 1.0 invites you to visit its website in order to read, comment and/or endorse the project. If you are interested in participating in the next steps of the project which may materialize in GIDRP 2.0., you can contact at

* 2017 Summer IP and Technology Law Programme in London
University of Notre Dame Law School is organizing a summer IP programme in central London, which is suitable for law students or practising lawyers. More speakers will join this year, fun topics including Privacy and Data Protection Law, Arbitration of IP Disputes (and many more) will be covered. See the course information here, and registration can be done via here

* Joint seminar of AIPPI Poland, Germany and France
On 16-17 March 2017, the Polish, German and French Groups of AIPPI, with the participation of the AIPPI Bureau, will organize a joint seminar on IP related issues. The seminar will be held in Warsaw.

General topic: Damages in IP infringement matters (calculation methods and liable persons) 
- Patent topic: Patents and regulatory issues
- Trademark / design topic: The notion of functionality in trademark and design matters
- Copyright topic: Copyright issues related to architecture and construction
- Other hot topics: Unitary Patent / Unified Patent Court / Brexit

Further information will be communicated in January 2017, when the registration process will start.

Photo courtesy of Ms. Nyske Blokhuis.