‘Tis the season! Google spreads more cheer on Day 2 of its Holiday 2016 doodle series


Today’s Google Doodle is the second in its series of Holiday 2016 series. For Christmas Eve, the Google letters are making hearts, stars, smiling faces and hand-prints behind fogged up windows.

From the Google Doodle Blog:

Happy holidays! This is the perfect time of year to cozy up to the window with your favorite blanket or mug, and watch the snow fall. While you’re there, sketch a foggy doodle or two (or five) of your own.

Like yesterday’s doodle, the animated image was designed by Gerben Steenks and leads to a search for “‘Tis the season!


Google also put together a Day 2 holiday doodle for the “warmer climates” that is appearing on its home pages in a handful of South American countries, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand and the Philippines.


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