Tug of war; Future WordPress experience, web hosts, and us
The biggest sticking point for a new user of WordPress is it’s very own personal brand. What is it? Who does it serve? What’s the deal with WordPress.com vs WordPress.org? In my interview with Matt Mullenweg, we discussed the troubles of onboarding users to the world’s most popular content management system. From a WordPress.com perspective, users want to dive directly into designing their site, not publishing their first post, which at the time, was the default signup workflow. Today, we see a direct funnel into choosing your topic genre, a general content layout, then a unique theme based on those choices.
In the future, as the customizer becomes even more powerful, I’m imagining users will be able to re-arrange and resize elements on the page, before swiping their credit card.
But, WordPress.org? A very different experience for new users, especially those new to website ownership.
If someone’s directed to use self-hosted WordPress, browsing to our little community on the web, and they click download WordPress the struggle of identity becomes even more apparent, both technically and branding wise:
Download a file, or end up on WordPress.com
On the right,
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13937/tug-of-war-future-wordpress-experience-web-hosts-and-us

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/12/01/tug-of-war-future-wordpress-experience-web-hosts-and-us/