Tweet Google an emoji & it will reply with local search results
Google’s Twitter handle is now fluent in emoji – whenever someone tweets an emoji to @Google, they will get a reply that includes a quick quip, GIF, and a link to local search results corresponding to the emoji.
According to a report on Mashable, Google’s Twitter handle will respond to more than 200 different emojis, including a few Easter eggs.
Google announced the feature via its Twitter feed yesterday:
We speak emoji. Let’s talk.
— Google (@Google) December 6, 2016
I tried it tonight, first using an ice cream emoji and then a taco. Both times I immediately received a reply.
@amygesenhues Let’s give ‘em something to taco-bout. #KnowNearby
— Google (@Google) December 8, 2016
The link included in Google’s reply tweet pointed to a results page for a “tacos nearby” search.
I only tested out the feature using food emojis, but the #KnowNearby hashtag included in Google’s announcement tweet has several other examples of emoji-tested tweets.
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