WordCamp US Recap by the ManageWP team

It has been a very emotional and exciting few days for all of us at ManageWP at #WCUS. I think I can speak for everyone when I say thank you to all of the WordCamp US organizers, speakers, sponsors and attendees for making this an incredible WordCamp. We are already counting down the days till next year! I want to leave you all with a few of our impressions and key takeaways. This photograph is a great snapshot of the WCUS feeling – smiles all around. Thank you Sheri for capturing this moment.
I am very grateful I was able to share this moment with my GoDaddy colleagues, Isaac and Noah.
GoDaddy & ManageWP Booth Action
Thank you all for stopping by, saying hello to us and supporting the GoDaddy Pro launch (more on that on Monday!). Overall we’ve had very positive feedback, and that’s not just about the swag, or as Lilly calls it schwwaaag. It was helpful for us to see you and hear all of your thoughts, so for those of you who came over and shared their knowledge with us, another big thank you. This kind of contribution from our users is what makes our product grow in the right direction. After all, we always focus on making our dashboard user friendly.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/13950/wordcamp-us-recap-by-the-managewp-team

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2016/12/04/wordcamp-us-recap-by-the-managewp-team/