3 Technology Trends to Watch Out for in 2017

Some technologies have been surprising us year after year, and 2017 is going to be no different. If anything, it will probably only mark the development of some of the most innovative technologies we have ever been introduced to.

And while it’s hard to identify which technologies are going to steal the headlines this year, there are definitely some worthy of your attention.

We will be talking about three technologies that may either change our lives with tectonic force, or quietly make a significant impact.

1. Virtual Reality

Virtual reality was expected to be the biggest thing of 2016, and while it has not been a complete disappointment, it certainly didn’t transform the society the way many industry experts expected it to.

However, it seems that its potential has not been ruled out, but rather just delayed. It did see significant growth in the past year, with some major improvements and a considerably increased visibility.

But unlike 2016, this year is not going to be about curiosity for this emerging technology trend. It’s very likely to become a more tangible tool this year – with enhancing the mundane, unproductive activities being likely the first thing it will achieve this year.

Another thing that you can expect from VR this year is fewer hardware introductions, but a considerably higher level of integration with existing platforms. What kind of impact will it have on people’s social lives is also being keenly watched .

This is especially after Facebook’s big promises and astonishing demonstration at its F8 developers conference in 2016. Experts believe that even those with the most basic of VR equipment will have a big update from Facebook this year.

2. 3D Technology

While some technology trends have been getting the most attention, 3D technology has been one of the most underrated ones. Although it is not something as groundbreaking as some of the more innovative new finds such as VR, it has been far ahead in terms of offering a real, tangible benefit so far.

Despite not getting the attention they probably deserve from the general public, the 3D industry is definitely in a booming phase. There seem to be new products and updates being launched almost every few weeks, with one of the latest and more significant ones being a 3D pen.

In 2017, however, the industry looks to take it to a whole new level. While printing in metals such as gold has already been achieved, the organic materials will be the target this year. Multi-material 3D printing seems to be another interesting area to watch.

Similarly, cheaper 3D printing is something the industry keenly awaits, and this is going to be another area the industry is going to work on this year. It would probably be achieved with the help of another emerging trend: faster, better 3D printers.

3D modeling, which has so far been an utter disappointment in terms of ease of use, especially for users other than graphic designers and animators, is probably going to change too. 2017 has just started and we already have a few online apps and plugins that offer an easier way to access 3D modeling.

3. Artificial Intelligence

When it comes to the latest and most innovative technology trends out there, it’s hard to beat artificial intelligence. The way it is already affecting people’s lives is astonishing, and things are only going to get more interesting from here.

For AI, 2016 was a year of machine learning and voice assistants. This year, Microsoft in particular is all set to take it a step further with a Cortana device. Apple, too, seems to be having some interesting plans with Siri.

However, it’s hard to make any predictions about something that has already developed to an extent that it’s capable of playing a game and writing notes for you. We can only wait in excitement and see how AI keeps getting bigger and better, and soon change the way we live before we even know it.

Featured photo credit: Pixabay via pixabay.com

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