5 Keys to Discovering Your Life's True Mission

In today’s busy world, it’s very easy to get caught up in the daily grind. It’s easy to spend your time rushing from one task to the next, crossing items off your ‘to-do’ list, and at the end of the day wondering where your time went. Eventually, if you’re like many people, you end up feeling trapped in a lifestyle that’s not fulfilling and you question whether you’re really living your purpose.

So, how do you break free from the treadmill existence and feel a strong sense of purpose in your days?

Here are 5 important keys to discovering your life’s true mission and focusing your life on what truly matters to you:

1. Cut Out the Noise

In order to discover your life’s true mission, first you’ll need to filter out the noise. We are bombarded nonstop by distractions that steal our attention away from what matters most. The average American checks their phone 150 times per day. According to another study, the average American spends 10 hours 39 minutes each day consuming media.

When you’re constantly plugged into this hyper-connected world, it’s very hard to focus on what matters most to you. Intentionally cutting out the noise is one critical key to discovering your life’s true mission. By getting rid of it, or cutting back on the unimportant, time-sucking activities in your daily schedule, you’ll create the space in your life to discover who you are and the difference you want to make in the world.

2. Become a Self-Expert

Becoming a self-expert is a crucial step in discovering your life’s true mission. We are all wired differently, with different strengths, gifts, and personalities. You have something unique to offer to the world. As you discover your innate strengths, it’s important to give yourself the opportunity to maximize those strengths. Frequently, when we utilize our innate strengths, we can make a bigger impact, and our success feels purposeful because our actions are aligned with who we naturally are.

As you work on becoming a self-expert, it’s important to pay attention to what lights you up and what tugs at your heart. What are you passionate about? Do you feel a strong sense of compassion for people who suffer from something specific, and you’d love to help relieve their suffering? Are you determined to solve a certain problem in the world? What really energizes you and totally lights you up? If you’re not sure what lights you up, check out this free workbook to find your passion.

3. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and Serve

It’s easy to feel unmotivated and uninspired when every day is the daily grind. If you don’t feel a strong sense of purpose in your daily life right now, chances are that feeling isn’t going to magically disappear. You’ll need to change things up in your life and get out of your comfort zone.

In order to become the best version of you, and live your best possible life, you’ll need to step out of your comfort zone over and over. You’ll need to experiment and take action on a regular basis in order to discover what lights you up, which path you want to take, and the difference you want to make in the world. You can research over and over but until you get out of your comfort zone and take action, you’ll likely continue to feel confused.

When you get out of your comfort zone to serve others, you not only feel a sense of fulfillment because you’re brightening someone’s day, but you also learn a ton about yourself. You learn how you make your best difference. Perhaps you’re a great listener, or an awesome leader, or you have a profound way of encouraging others. As you break out of your bubble and focus on serving others, you will gradually start to uncover your life’s true mission.

4. Learn to Think Big

Too often, people hold themselves back from living their potential because of thinking small. What if Mother Teresa would’ve said, “Ah, I’m just one person. I can’t really help the poor?” What if Walt Disney would’ve said, “My big dream is crazy; people would never come to Disney World. Who do I think I am?”

Living your best, most meaningful, fulfilling life, where you’re spending your days on fire for your purpose, starts with your mindset. You really can make an impact on the world. Work on your mindset and your ability to think big. Immerse yourself in learning from people who have already done what you aspire to do, and surround yourself with others who inspire you to make your best difference in the world.

5. Take a Small Step Every Day

You don’t have to move to a remote island by yourself in order to discover your purpose. You also don’t have to march into your boss’s office tomorrow morning and say, “I quit!” and embark on a soul-searching project while you watch your savings account rapidly deplete. You can start by taking a small step every day out of your normal routine to make a difference. Ask yourself, “What’s one thing I can do today to make someone’s day a little better?” When you spend time every day intentionally brightening the world, you will find yourself having more and more fulfilling days and the daily grind feeling will be a thing of the past.

Featured photo credit: Heidi Sanstrom / www.unsplash.com via unsplash.com

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