Acne-Fighting Home Remedies You Need to Know About and Use

We all have dealt with acne at one point in our lives, most likely while going through puberty. It can be a sensitive for teenagers since much of their environment focuses on appearance and being popular. Teenagers spend a lot of money during this time on products, and companies have made billions of dollars selling those made for acne. Over the years, people have come up with their own so-called “home remedies” which sometimes work very well.

Before we continue, let’s first explore what causes acne.

Acne begins to develop when the pores in your skin get blocked with oil. There can be many external reasons for this, however during puberty, with androgen (hormone) levels increasing, your body will increase the production of oil. This oil builds up under the skin, damaging the cellular wall and causing bacteria to form and fill the pores. In short, these three problems are the culprits:

  • Excessive oil produced by the follicles
  • Dead skin cells
  • Bacteria build-up in the pores

Let’s now explore some home remedies known to fight and clear acne quickly.

Lemon Juice

This is packed with vitamin C which is proven to fight acne. Using lemon juice on a regular basis is a great remedy because it cures scars and removes dark spots. The acidic properties of lemon are too harsh for pimples to handle, reducing them significantly. Here’s what you should do – cut a slice of lemon and rub it on the affected area three to four times a day. When you’re done rubbing the lemon slice, wait a few minutes until it dries, then wash it off with warm water. If you are using acne face wash, you can use that when washing off the lemon juice.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This is amazing as a home remedy to reduce acne, and one of the most popular methods used by people. The properties of apple cider have long been known to kill off the bacteria causing blockage to your pores. Apple cider, once applied, can become an alkaline which balances the pH of your skin, making it harder for bacteria to thrive.

Use a cotton ball and apply the vinegar to your skin. Let sit for 10 to 15 minutes, then wash off with warm water. It’s that simple!

Egg Whites

Surprising, right! It’s a great home remedy which is also very affordable. Egg whites, when applied, can reduce acne and fade away blemishes. Body builders consume egg whites because they are high in protein, and when applied to your skin, this protein can help rebuild your skin cells. They soak up excess oil known to be the cause of acne in the first place.

Start by rinsing your face with warm water then drying it with a towel. Separate the yolks from the whites into a cup or large bowl. Three or four egg whites should be good enough, however, this is totally up to you. Whip them for two to three minutes then cover your face with the mixture until dry and let sit for 20 minutes. Wash your face with warm water and pat dry.

This is a great home remedy which you should try!


This home remedy is awesome because it opens the pores allowing the bacteria and minor maladies to flush out. It’s also a great remedy because all you need is a pot, boiling water, and towel.

Start by boiling water, and placing it into a larger bowl. Let the water cool slightly so it won’t burn when you place your face over it. After this step, place your face over the bowl with the towel draped over the back of your head because this will help trap the steam. Do this for 10 to 15 minutes, then remove the towel and pat your face dry. It is recommended to do this one or twice a day.

Final Thoughts

Home remedies can be very effective in reducing acne. Do a quick search on Google, and you’ll find hundreds of other acne home remedies to try. Some will work better than others, so stick to the ones you’re comfortable with and the ones which work.

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