Domain Name Mistakes People Make For Their New Blog

Every second is the time to start a new blog and people are buying new domains every day.Whether you want to bring your offline business to the web or want to start your own business, you would need a domain name. From a professional perspective, there are a few things you should keep in your mind while buying a new domain name.
It’s because people make many domain name mistakes with their first blog. What about you, have you ever mistakenly chosen the wrong name for your blog?
What Are The Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make?
From the numbers to the words, many things are considered.
You should have a success route to start your own blog and make money from it.
Let me provide you the guide the avoid the mistakes.
#1. You Add Numbers.
It may seem good when you pick up any name including the numbers and from the SEO point of view, it’s bad.
Your users can’t remember the domain names with the numbers. Let me show you some examples.
These domain names may seem attractive but it would be great if you choose something with only the text.
#2. You Extend It Including Every Name You Know.
People are really bad with their
