How to create a WordPress child theme with a plugin

The first thing you should do before customizing your WordPress website is to create a child theme. I’ll try to keep it as non-technical as possible, but think about it this way: You install your new shiny WordPress theme, start changing the colors, adding to the functions file, and then your theme updates. If you’re modifying theme files directly, the update will overwrite those changes, causing you to lose all those hard-earned edits.
A child theme is like having a an insurance plan, let’s take a look.
Creating a child theme in WordPress
So here’s the thing, if you’re new to WordPress and you’re eagerly soaking up all of the great advice out on the web, you’ll almost always come across someone telling you to create a child theme. It’s good practice, and helps isolate you from losing any custom edits you make directly to your “parent” theme.
Here’s the official documentation for creating a child theme. If your mind melted after reading that article, don’t worry, you’re not alone — there’s hope.
One more thing, along with saving you from potentially losing out on all of your custom edits &
