No More WordPress Theme Or Plugin List Posts & Other News

New Years Resolution #1 – No more theme / plugin list posts I’ve neglected the blog of late. I’ve been busy with other avenues and simply haven’t had the time to update It’s not until I revisited the blog did I realize just how many list posts of themes and plugins I actually had!
I referred back to a post entitled “Why List Posts Are Hurting Your Pocket.” Guess what? I took my own advice. I don’t want to be one of those sites, I guess it’s easy to write list posts for themes packed full of affiliate links rather than offering good quality content.
I don’t want to be like, Athemes, Colorlib, WPlift, WPExplorer and alike. Nothing against them you understand, I just don’t want to be anything like them in terms of list posts.
It goes against everything I want from WPin, it’s a ball ache to do and the only person it benefits is me, not you.
I deleted my WordPress theme & plugin list posts.
That’s why I deleted the lot of them, I don’t want them to hang around the website like unwelcome guest at a New Years Eve party, hence they are no more.
So no more theme / plugin list posts!
New Years Resolution
