Our Hopes and Fears for WordPress 4.8 (Roundup)

I should probably add a little context before we jump into this one and talk “our hopes and fears for WordPress 4.8.” This article is not exactly what it looks like. Everything started back in December when I and the rest of the team traveled to Philadelphia to take part in 2016’s WordCamp US. Getting there was a big deal for us so we wanted to make the most out of the whole experience. One of the ideas was to meet some of the WordPress people who we only knew online, and do speed interviews with them.
This was a success and a failure both at the same time.
Let’s start with the success. First off, I want to thank everybody who took part and was kind enough to push their shyness away and talk with me in front of the camera. Yes, we filmed the interviews, professional and all, with separate tracks for video and audio. It was supposed to come out right after the conference, and … this is where the failure part comes into play.
As it turned out, the SD card that held the audio track was corrupted, and there was nothing that could be done about it. And we tried … we even contacted two separate data recovery firms. Both said the card was doomed.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14173/our-hopes-and-fears-for-wordpress-4-8-roundup

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/01/10/our-hopes-and-fears-for-wordpress-4-8-roundup/