Sunday Surprises

The International Trademark Association (INTA) Europe Representative Office in Brussels is looking for an intern to carry on membership and communications activities. Enrolled students with interest in communications, marketing, IP, EU media and institutional environment are encouraged to apply before 27 January 2017 by sending CV and covering letter to Milesh Gordhandas ( More information, here.

Sticking to the New Year’s resolution!
The European Policy for Intellectual Property association (EPIP) is calling for papers for the 12th Annual Conference entitled “Claims on Area: The Geography-IP Interface”, which will take place on 4-6 September 2017 in Bordeaux, France. Keynote speakers are: Bronwyn H. Hall (UC Berkeley), Stefan Bechtold (ETH Zurich), Graham Dutfield (University of Leeds) and Walter W. Powell (Stanford University). The Conference will focus on the globalisation of inventive activities, the geographical evolution of cyber-space as well as geographical indications and traditional knowledge. However, papers on all IP-related topics are welcome! Scholars from all disciplines and practitioners interested in the economic, legal, political and managerial aspects of IPRs are encouraged to submit a full paper or an extended abstract for per review before 24 March 2017. More information, here.

On 23 December 2016, the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) announced, as receiving Office under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), the acceptance of International applications in Chinese from 1 January 2017. The option enables the deferment of translation costs from Chinese into English until the national phase entry stage for those applications already filed or to be filed in Chinese. More details, here.

Free webinar on “What Economic Role for Patents in the ‘Internet of Things’ Space?”. Joyce Deuley, Kurt Kelley and Dr. Alex G. Lee will discuss the economic role of Patents in the IoT era from the point of view of financial analysis, entrepreneurship and patent landscape analysis. The webinar is hosted by OxFirst and will take place on 19 January 2017 at 16.00 (CET). More information and registration here.

The Journal of Intellectual Property Studies (JIPS), a student-run online journal published by the National Law University-Jodhpur in India, is calling for contributions. The JIPS aims to enhance discussions on IPRs between policy makers, practitioners and scholars as well disseminating IP knowledge. More details, here.