What WordPress Security Plugins works best? 9 plugins compared

Most small website owners who don’t use WordPress security plugins believe that only those websites with huge traffic base are prone to malicious attacks. The reality is that just because your website is small, doesn’t mean that your site is secure from malicious attacks. In fact, small websites are actually an easier target for hackers because most of them don’t take any safety precautions to protect the site from hackers.
If that sounds like you, your website is probably being attacked right now. You’re not aware of it just yet – but if you had to look at logs, you’ll see that there are plenty of malicious probes going on, seeing whether they can find a problem in your website which can be exploited.
Unless you take any safety precautions quickly, you could be allowing the bad guys to sabotage your online business.
This roundup post on best WordPress security plugins wants to make sure everybody is protecting their WordPress from hackers.
When it comes to choosing a WordPress security plugin, there is no one size fits all solution. Each one is unique in terms of the features it offers.
Take a look at each one of them below, and install those plugins on
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14198/what-wordpress-security-plugins-works-best-9-plugins-compared

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/01/13/what-wordpress-security-plugins-works-best-9-plugins-compared/