10 Essential Items To Check Off Your List When Going on A Business Trip

Packing for a business trip should be easy, right? Just open a suitcase, drop a couple of shirts, ties, toiletries, cuff-links, and you’re all set. Right? Wrong! Packing for any kind of trip is usually a stressful experience. Men and women alike dread this experience.

Well, to make this cumbersome task easier for you, here is a ten-point essential checklist when going on a business trip.

1. Local currency

This comes at the top of the list because you don’t want to be strapped for cash in another country with a terrible exchange rate and a language barrier. You could potentially end up being badly cheated. First, find out how to get cash exchanged before leaving your immediate environment. You could get your cash exchanged at the airport before taking off, even though the rates are poor. Just try to shop around for local currency before making your trip.

2. Portable power banks and phone chargers

Another item you must carry along with you is your portable charger. Having a portable power bank allows you to charge your phones anywhere and anytime without having to use a travel adapter or look for sockets around you. A better idea is getting the mobile cables with one port for two devices. Such technology allows you to charge two devices at the same time. All you need do is recharge it when not in use.

3. Travel adapters

It is recommended to pack one travel adapter with you while on a trip. You can alternate using it and a mobile power bank or charger. This will also come in handy if you use your laptop quite frequently.

4. A jacket, coat, or sweater

Whether you’re going somewhere cold or warm, having a jacket or coat is necessary. Appropriate work clothes are on the checklist but you might want to take a jacket too. There is always a possibility that the country or region you’re visiting is warmer, but offices are always cold and you will need to take care of your discomfort yourself. Going on a business trip is one thing, keeping yourself comfortable is another. Lightweight and wrinkle-free jackets work well.

5. Hard copies of your travel plans

This might sound archaic. It is always useful to print out your travel plans before setting out on a business trip. This saves you a lot of trouble if you lose power on your laptop, phone, tablet, or power bank.

6. Business cards

You are going for business after all, so why not take your cards? You are surely going to meet people from all corners of the world, some of whom you’d get friendly with or want to have a transaction with along those business lines. This is especially essential if you are working overseas and you are trying to overcome language barriers. Giving out a business card can save you the stress of dictating or writing out your name and contact information.

7. A pen or pencil

Having a pen or pencil at hand for when you need it is important especially if you can’t get a hold of business cards before your trip. It helps you with communicating when you’re working overseas and enables you to share your contact information as well as. You also get to write notes and thoughts of wisdom and inspiration as they come to you. However, pack the pens separate from your clothes to avoid ink stains. They would do well in your hand or in carry-on luggage.

8. An envelope

While this might seem like a random addition, envelopes are quite useful on business trips. You get to stow your receipts away safely until you’re settled. This also helps you keep good account of your spending. A re-sealable bag could also serve in this capacity as a perfect storage solution.

9. An in-flight kit

A good in-flight kit consisting of a sleeping mask, socks or slippers, ear plugs (or noise-cancelling headphones), and a good neck pillow will go a long way in making your trip as comfortable as possible. Not only does this guarantee your comfort, you arrive at your destination feeling fresh and well-rested. With a good kit, you can also rest outside when your hotel seems noisy.

10. Entertainment and travel treats

A book, magazine, or journal – you need at least one of these things on a business trip. Business trips typically afford you a lot of time alone so whether you like to read or watch TV, ensure that you take something along with you to keep yourself entertained. You can also treat yourself by purchasing some gourmet items or a packet of sweets.

In the end, make sure to pack a small waterproof or plastic file containing photocopies of important documents (passport, credit cards etc.). Also, have copies of your travel insurance certificate and details of any medical issues, in case of any health emergency.

Featured photo credit: Unsplash via pexels.com

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