10 Must-Have Elements for Your Company’s “About” Page
Pop quiz: what’s the most boring page on your website? Did you answer, “About Us?” If so, you’re in the same boat as a lot of small business owners. After all, it’s easy to post a quick bio and an old staff photo — and then forget about it.
But this neglected page is one of the most powerful marketing and customer engagement tools you have. Your company’s About page should build confidence in your brand and tell visitors everything they need to know about your team’s mission.
The bottom line is that you need to put as much effort into this page as you do all the others on your website. A stellar About page can be the difference between a customer purchasing your product or service or heading to a competitor’s website.
Convinced? Good. Let’s make your About page sparkle with these 10 must-have components.
10 Must-Haves for Your Company’s About Page
Your Mission
Entrepreneur magazine defines a mission statement as, “what an organization is, why it exists, its reason for being.” One idea we’d propose adding: it has nothing to do with revenue.
A mission statement allows you to radiate your passion about
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14358/10-must-have-elements-for-your-company-s-about-page

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/02/08/10-must-have-elements-for-your-companys-about-page/