Around the IP Blogs
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Getting on board with the fleeeexible approach! |
Fairness Confirmed Again: Federal Court of Appeal Upholds Copyright Board’s Fair Dealing Ruling
Michael Geist updates us on the Canadian Federal Court of Appeal decision in the judicial review of the Copyright Board’s ruling involving copying in Canadian K-12 schools, which continues in the direction of adopted a flexible approach to fair dealing.
Photographs can fall within the press exception says Serbian Appeal Court
The Appeal Court of Serbia concluded that a photograph, protected by copyright, taken a few minutes after a car accident where seven people were injured was an integral part of the current event about which the public was being informed. As such, re-use of the photo was allowed since. Bojana Kostic on the Kluwer copyright blog considers the decision and how the CJEU would approach the same issue.
International comity ... or triple error?
The 1709 Blog provided a commentary by Professor Jørgen Blomqvist from the University of Copenhagen on the proposed Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market and its provisions on out-of-commerce works.
General Court: A decision to drink to!
MARQUES Class 46 (trade marks) covered Case T-250/15, Speciality Drinks Ltd v EUIPO (24 November 2016), where the EU General Court upheld the decision of the Board of Appeal which found that there was a likelihood of confusion between the word mark CLAN and the earlier mark CLAN MACGREGOR under Article 8(1)(b) of the EU Trade Mark Regulation (207/2009/EC).
MARQUES Class 46 (trade marks) covered Case T-250/15, Speciality Drinks Ltd v EUIPO (24 November 2016), where the EU General Court upheld the decision of the Board of Appeal which found that there was a likelihood of confusion between the word mark CLAN and the earlier mark CLAN MACGREGOR under Article 8(1)(b) of the EU Trade Mark Regulation (207/2009/EC).
Trump's Nomination of Neil Gorsuch and Intellectual Property
The impact of Neil Gorsuch’s appointment on IP has caused much speculation and some have reported that there isn’t have enough information, IP Finance considers the Congressional Research Service initial report where Judge Gorsuch gave his views on executive power and administrative law.
Hague Guide for Users: new revision now available
MARQUES Class 99 (designs) reports that the Hague Guide for Users is a comprehensive reference document on the entire Hague System available on the WIPO website.
Photo credit: rongorongo