Comparing What REALLY Matters for WordPress Page Builders
This is a guest post by Ann Taylor. A question “Do you like WordPress page builders?” is somewhat similar to what if Dumbledore asked “Do you love Harry Potter?” If you are Hermione, you answer is yes. If you are the Dark Lord… Well, you get the idea. It’s the same with so renowned WordPress drag-and-drop page builders – whether you like them or not generally depends on who you are.
Do you know a lot of developers who praise the builders? Apart from those who create them, of course. But on the other side of the barricade, many designers and users seem to agree with Hermione’s answer, though it’s still a very controversial matter.
What developers generally think about WordPress page builders
“Drag-and-drop page builder here, drag-and-drop page builder there. It looks like my coffee and soup will be drag-and-drop soon as well. Go home, page builders!”
“This builder left such a code mess I had to take pills to relax while working with it.”
“Why do all my clients buy themes from ThemeForest? How on earth should I support their themes bundled with those painful builders?”
“All what builders can
