Do You Have A Correct Posture? Check These 10 infographics To See The Answers!

Take a moment to notice your current posture. Are you slouching or hunching over your keyboard? While at work, you may not realize you are slipping into these poor postures. But did you know that for every inch the head moves forward in posture, its weight on your neck and upper back muscles increases by 10 pounds?

It’s time to be mindful of your posture and check out the easy remedies we provide here!

It’s time to be aware of the posture…

This explains the weight on your neck and upper back muscles

And Do You Know What’s The Text Neck?

6 Healthy Ways To Use Your Tech Gadgets

The Rules For A Perfect Standing Posture

See What’s A Sway Back Posture

Then…Take A Look On What’s A Balanced Posture

Practice This When You Stand Up To Relax The Neck Muscles

And This Helps With Your Lower Back Pain

How To Fix The Worst Posture Mistakes

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