HTTP2 Basics and Benefits

In order to understand HTTP/2 one must have a notion, even a quick and superficial one, about protocol, and in this context the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The HTTP protocol is a mechanism used by Internet browsers to request information from the web server and display the pages on the screen of the device in use.
You can also understand it as a set of rules that define how information will be transferred from one computer to the other. Although each protocol is slightly different, they are composed of a header, payload, and footer.
A simple look at the browsers navigation bar demonstrates its ubiquity. It is everywhere.
The version widely used is that of HTTP/1.1 that dates from 1999, that is, 17 years in use. The draft replacement, the HTTP/2 has been published by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). Through it, we had significant improvements in communication and data rendering between browsers and servers.
The HTTP protocol versions
The first version proposed by Tim Berners-Lee had the simplicity as the focal point and the idea was to transfer data in text format ASCII, then the only method request was GET.
The emergence of the World Wide Web is linked to
