Separation of Concern & Gutenberg – An alternate proposal

If you already know all about the WordPress editor, you can skip directly to the section on separation of concern. The WordPress editor is a curious beast. It’s oddly tied down into the core codebase, despite being a completely external project (TinyMCE), and it has given rise to a significant number of hacks and workarounds, to try to support the various workflows of different WordPress users. Since 2017 is the year for WordPress core to focus on the editor, I thought I’d put down some thoughts, in the hopes that I might help inform some decisions.
First, let’s talk about what the editor does, and walk through some of the different workflows it supports.
The WordPress editor, at its heart, is just a way to get the body of a post, whether text or html, into the database field “post_content”. That field is designed to be the sole, canonical source for WordPress post/page content, whether accessed by excerpt, search, feed, api, or any other method.
The simplest way to insert content into post_content is via “Text Mode”, where the user enters plain text, to be published as-is. Of course, unless the content is wrapped in

 tags, that content
