Testify WordPress Testimonial Plugin

We’re thrilled to present you with our latest plugin: . Testimonials are incredibly powerful elements to include within a website: they showcase positive customer feedback of a product or service’s success and increase a brand’s credibility and social proof by encouraging new users to test out or purchase a product or service.
We’ve taken this insight and developed an incredibly easy-to-use plugin that will add a striking testimonial section to your website and make it stand out from the pack.
Simply enter your content (testimonial quote or recommendation, author name and customer image), and insert the generated shortcode into the desired page, post or project (provided your theme supports custom post types).
Testify generates a horizontal grid of your customer’s featured images, and automatically scrolls through their quotes and recommendations.
Unlimited installations, updates and support.
Compatible with any WordPress theme.
Support for categories and tags: By updating the shortcode parameters to include category/tag slugs or IDs, you’ll be able to display a number of testimonials, relevant to various pages, posts, products or content types, across
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14316/testify-wordpress-testimonial-plugin

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/02/01/testify-wordpress-testimonial-plugin/