The Process of Warm Outreach for Better Leads

There’s no shortage of “How to get clients?” posts and articles out there especially around lead generation. Some of it I’m not sold on because it’s a lot of smoke and mirrors which result in bad leads, if any at all. If there’s effort put in there are many others that do work. I’ve done a lot of these methods and even give away a method I use successfully that hundreds of folks now use as well.
There’s a part of sales that is sorely undervalued and underutilized in the freelancing world. That’s warm outreach!
Warm outreach is the method in which you communicate, whether that’s email, phone, or some other means to people who know you.
Notice how I didn’t use the word “leads” and instead used “people.”
By “people,” I mean those colleagues and folks in your business network.
Your NEW Warm Outreach Process
When I say colleagues and network, I’m referring to past and current clients, friends of yours in business, and yes, people who have the exact same work as you.
When I started out, I was in no way, shape or form going to go knocking on doors to get business. I won’t even
