What Developers Need to Know Before Offering Code Audits

So, you’re a developer. You’ve thought about offering code audits, but maybe you haven’t had a clear idea of what your code audit should provide, why clients go seeking one, or how to price the service. In January, we covered the questions clients need to ask their developer before getting a code audit, and offered some guidance on how to vet their vendor. This time around, we’re going to cover the developer side of things: why clients seek code audits, what questions you need to be asking before you get started, and how code audits lay a good foundation for a future relationship with your clients.
Why Clients Look For Code Audits
Yes, of course, there’s a ton of information available on the internet, including all the information that a client could need regarding the basics of site performance and functionality. Most clients, however, either don’t have the time to do this research, or don’t have the technical expertise to make sense of it all.
When clients are coming to you asking about code audits and an assessment of their technology, they’re looking for your extensive knowledge that empowers you to look at their code, quickly parse
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14359/what-developers-need-to-know-before-offering-code-audits

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/02/08/what-developers-need-to-know-before-offering-code-audits/