What is a Senior Developer in WordPress?

I don’t write much about running a business on this blog, though it’s something I’m looking to change in 2017. So why not start now? One of the conversations several of my friends and I have been discussing is finding quality people to employ (and this can be via contracting, full-time, part-time, whatever). And each of us – like any other business – have our criteria.
A topic that has come up is the stigma that’s attached to the idea of a “senior developer” or a “senior” anything for that matter.
The way that I’m currently running Pressware is simple:
I have two contractors. One is a developer. One is an implementer. It suits the needs of the business perfectly.
I have, like any organization who wants to be on the up and up with their taxes , a CPA. I also have a part-time person who helps me keep my books.
My role has changed into both software development and business management (and I’m still figuring out how to do that – thank God for people who have wisdom they are willing to share).
The way in which we all run our businesses vary (and some of these firms include Reaktiv, Sandhills, Zao, and MemberUp),
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14331/what-is-a-senior-developer-in-wordpress

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/02/04/what-is-a-senior-developer-in-wordpress/