Almost Paradise: The Remote Worker’s Guide to Lonely Island Survival

A lot of people romanticize the life of the remote worker: Wake up at 11, possibly in a foreign country, definitely in pajamas. Of course, there are some very real and practical advantages to working remotely—maintaining a flexible schedule, working with people hand-picked by personality over proximity, not sitting under fluorescent lights from 9 to 5, no fishy microwave smells (unless you’re the person who does that)—just to name a few. Almost Paradise
So it’s paradise, right? Well, almost. The seasoned remote worker, and her employer, know that for every benefit and advantage there exists a potential pitfall. With great power, and the freedom to work from anywhere, comes great responsibility. Responsibility on the part of the employee to work efficiently and report honestly, and on the part of the employer, to engage, motivate, and connect the team.
Running Aground: A Guide to Ruining Everything
If we know the advantages to working remotely, which are typically obvious and individualized, what are the pitfalls? How can we avoid running the friend-ship aground on the rocks? According to our team, the biggest dangers are a loss of momentum, not seeing each other
