Become a Better WordPress Developer with these Local Development Plugins
Workflow is an important part of any WordPress developer’s job. However, some people can get stuck in the way they’ve always done things, and that can be very limiting. Some developers employ what’s called Cowboy Coding.
Cowboy coding is an undisciplined approach to software development that gives programmers complete control over the development process. In this context, cowboy is a synonym for maverick — a loner who does things his own way.
While that’s the official definition, this is how I define it:
No design
No testing
No requirements
Unmaintainable code
No feedback from users
No schedule or deadlines
No collaboration either on an individual level or at a team level
When it comes to WordPress, some examples of this kind of code look like this:
Download a file from FTP > Edit > Upload > Refresh the browser (— something went wrong, and you repeat the process).
You start coding a file without caring about inline documentation (you have no idea about file headers of function docBlocks)
If you can make this method work for you and you like it, that’s great. I find Cowboy Code inefficient and difficult to stay organized, so
