iOS App Security Assessment Tool - idb

idb is a tool to simplify some common tasks for iOS app security assessments and research. Please see the Documentation for a more detailed summary of each function.

  • Assessment Setup
    • SSH port forwarding
    • Installation of helper utilities
  • App Information
    • Bundle information
    • Registered URL Schemes
    • Platform and SDK Versions
    • Data folder location
    • Entitlements
  • Data Storage
    • List plist files and data protection class
    • List sqlite files and data protection class
    • List Cache.db files and data protection class
    • Full app file system browser
      • Browse files
      • Download/view files
      • Check data protection
      • Rsync folders and keep git revisions
    • Dump iOS keychain
  • Binary Analysis
    • Check for encryption
    • Check for protections (ASLR/PIE, DEP, ARC)
    • List shared libraries
    • Extract strings in app binary
    • Dump class and method signatures
  • IPC
    • List URL handlers
    • Invoke and fuzz URL handlers
    • Monitor the iOS pasteboardA
  • Other Tools
    • Check for iOS backgrounding screenshot
    • Install certificates
    • Edit /etc/hosts file