Poopy.life Lets You Create Free, Unlimited WordPress Test Installs
Just when you think all the best domain names have been gobbled up by bots and squatters, Poopy.life emerges as the fastest new way to spin up a WordPress test install. Joe Guilmette, team lead at WP All Import, opened up Poopy.life to the public today, offering free unlimited WordPress installs for anyone who needs a temporary site. After verifying that you’re not a robot, Poopy.life creates a test install and sends you to the admin where you can see credentials for logging in and sharing the site. The install expires after a week, unless manually extended with the button in the admin. It also allows you to create a sandbox template that can be shared via a URL so that others can quickly create a duplicate install.
The platform also has a secret menu, like In-N-Out Burger, that allows you to add URL parameters to spin up sites even faster with certain actions already taken:
No URL Parameters
Copy an existing install
?src=[Sandbox ID]&key=[auth key]
Redirect URL
?url=[redirect URL]
Send a welcome email
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14729/poopy-life-lets-you-create-free-unlimited-wordpress-test-installs

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/03/30/poopy-life-lets-you-create-free-unlimited-wordpress-test-installs/