Speak at WPCampus 2017

The call for speakers has been extended to midnight PDT on March 29, 2017. The planning committee will begin their selection process and be in touch shortly thereafter. You may submit multiple proposals for different sessions, but please submit a different application for each proposal.
Our call for speakers is not limited to those who work in higher ed as you do not have to be in higher education to bring value to our community. If you need topic inspiration, we have provided a few ideas below.
Session tracks will be generated according to submitted sessions, so please submit sessions and stories you have to share involving WordPress and education.
Speaker Benefits
Accepted speakers will receive free admission and hordes of gratefulness, admiration and superstar status for your investment in higher education. Also, swag.
Only one speaker will be comped per presentation.
Session Formats
While the majority of session will be comprised of 45 minute presentations, we would love to provide a variety of formats. If standing up in a room in front of a bunch of people and talking for 45 minutes isn’t your thing, no problem. Lightning talks can be just as valuable for attendees.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14723/speak-at-wpcampus-2017

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/03/29/speak-at-wpcampus-2017/