Spring equinox 2017 Google doodle marks 1st day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere

If there’s an animated doodle of a mouse doing its spring cleaning on Google’s home page, then it must mean spring is officially here.

Today’s spring equinox Google doodle marks the day in March when there is an even split of 12 hours’ worth of daylight and 12 hours of night.

“It usually means that it’s time to hunker down for colder seasons, or time to rise and shine for warmer ones, as in the case of our furry friend the mouse!” writes the Google Doodle team on Google’s doodle blog, “You may also notice that on the equinox, the sun rises directly in the east and sets directly in the west, whereas at other times in the year, it appears off-center if you’re facing those directions.”

The spring equinox doodle is being shared on Google home pages across the Northern Hemisphere to celebrate the changing seasons, and it leads to a search for “spring equinox 2017.”

While the Northern Hemisphere has a spring-cleaning mouse decorating its Google home page today, countries in the Southern Hemisphere are waking to a tea-drinking mouse who is hunkering down for the fall season.

The doodle team also shared the following sketches of ideas it considered before deciding on today’s final artwork for its spring and fall equinox doodles:

You can find out more about today’s spring equinox Google doodle and see the full map of where it is posted here: First Day of Spring 2017 (Northern Hemisphere).

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