UK's IP Enforcement Framework - IPO Research Bid Opportunity

The UK Intellectual Property Office has kindly informed us that they are opening a research bid into the effectiveness of the UK's IP enforcement framework. In their own words:

"UK IPO will be inviting bids for research into the effectiveness of the UK's IP enforcement framework.

Next week the UK IPO will be inviting bids for research into the effectiveness of the UK's enforcement framework. This builds on a commitment made in the IPO's Enforcement Strategy 
(page 24) launched in May 2016.

The aim of the research is to construct a snapshot of the current UK enforcement framework for each IP right and this may include the identification of discrete areas where improvements or updates are necessary.

It is anticipated that the research will be split into two phases. The first phase will focus on developing evaluation criteria to assess the processes needed to enforce IP rights and the consequences of infringement.  The second phase will focus on identifying recommendations for changing the enforcement framework.

Bids from consortia are welcome."
More information to come...