Why You Pay a Premium for Web Development Retainers
When folks think about hiring a service provider, they’re usually looking for help achieving one particular goal. Whether it’s hiring a lawyer to draft a will, a contractor to remodel your kitchen, or a developer to build your website, the goal is to finish one specific project and set you up for future success on your own.
But what if you know you’ll need ongoing support from your chosen provider? What if you think this project isn’t the only thing you’ll need their expertise on?
That’s when you want a retainer.
What’s a retainer?
A retainer is a fee paid in advance to a service provider to secure their services. People most often associate retainers with lawyers, but all kinds of service providers offer retainer accounts, including developers. While a developer can build your site and send you on your way, retaining a developer’s services on a long-term basis is a fantastic way to make sure your technology is being handled by an expert as your business grows.
How web development retainers help you
Most developers offer a broad variety of services: building and designing websites, building apps, conducting code audits, debugging code,
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14492/why-you-pay-a-premium-for-web-development-retainers

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/03/01/why-you-pay-a-premium-for-web-development-retainers/