WordPress Customizer Survey Results

A little while ago a Customizer survey was run. A series of questions were asked and now the results are in. The survey had 50 responses in the end, all take anonymously through the form in the post.
How often do you use the Customizer on your existing sites?
Summary of this:
53% never or rarely use the Customizer
39.3% use it frequently (ranging from monthly, weekly to daily)
7.8% tend to only use it on the first time they set up a site
“The single column interface makes the options panels extremely long forcing you to scroll for pages when there are more than just a couple of options. When creating the initial concept for the Customizer the Core devs & designers obviously didn’t take into account real world themes.”
“I rarely use it myself but my clients do a lot.”
“Every time I have to change part of the design. My theme uses customizer very heavily.”
“Only if I’m using a commercial or pre-built theme”
What do you use the Customizer for?
Summary chart:
Others 3 or less votes:
Breakdown where people picked more than one (number of people denoted to right, colors have no meaning apart from showing individual responses):
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14493/wordpress-customizer-survey-results

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/03/01/wordpress-customizer-survey-results/