16 Best WordPress Login Page Plugins

Looking for the best WordPress login page plugins for your website? The login page is the door to your website’s admin area. You need to make it secure while making it easy for users to login. In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best WordPress login page plugins that you can try.

Best WordPress Login Page Plugins

Improving Security and Appearance of WordPress Login Page

The default WordPress login page is very plain and looks the same on all WordPress sites. If you run a multi-user WordPress site, then you may want to customize it.

You may also want to make the login experience on your website as seamless as possible without compromising on WordPress security.

Having said that, let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress login page plugins to improve the login experience and security on your website.

1. WPForms


WPForms is the best WordPress form builder plugin, and it comes with a powerful user registration and login addon. It allows you to create your own custom user registration and login forms with a few clicks. You can add these forms anywhere on your WordPress site.

For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to create a custom login page in WordPress

2. Theme My Login

Theme My Login

Do you want to allow users to register on your WordPress site but don’t want them to access the admin area? Theme My Login is a popular WordPress plugin that allows you to create custom WordPress login pages. You can use any page on your site as login, registration, and forgot password pages.

For more details see our guide on how to add front-end login page and widgets in WordPress.

3. Temporary Login Without Password

Temporary Login Without Password

Want to give temporary access to a developer for your WordPress site? Temporary Login Without Password allows you to give temporary access to users without creating an account for them. You can set an expiry date or time for the temporary login or delete it at any time.

For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to create temporary login for WordPress.

4. Login Lockdown

Login Lockdown

By default, WordPress does not lock users out if they try the wrong password multiple times. This allows hackers to crack your password using automated scripts. Login Lockdown allows you to limit the number of failed login attempts. After that, it locks down the login screen for that user for a limited time.

For details and set up instructions, follow our guide on on how to limit login attempts in WordPress.

5. Nextend Facebook Connect

Nextend Facebook Connect

Want to add login with Facebook button to your WordPress site? Nextend Facebook Connect plugin allows you to easily add login with Facebook to your WordPress login screen. This allows your users to login more quickly, and they will not need to enter a password.

See step by step instructions in our guide on how to add login with Facebook in WordPress.

6. Remember Me

Remember Me

If you forget to check the ‘Remember me’ option on the login page, then WordPress will forget your login as soon as you close the browser window. Remember Me plugin allows you to automatically check the remember option each time you login to your WordPress site.

See how to set it up in our guide on how to keep WordPress from forgetting you with Remember Me.

7. Custom Login Page Customizer

Custom Login Page Customizer

The default WordPress login screen is quite plain looking. You can change it in various ways but many of them require you to add code. Custom Login Page Customizer plugin allows you to design your own custom login page using theme customizer.

See detailed instructions in our guide on how to customize WordPress login page.

8. WP Security Questions

Login security questions in WordPress

WP Security Questions allow you to add security questions to your WordPress login screen. Users will not only have to add their password, but they will also have to select a security question and enter their answer. This adds another security layer to your WordPress admin area.

Learn how to set it up in our guide on how to add security questions to WordPress login screen.

9. No Login by Email Address

No login by email

By default, WordPress allows users to enter their username or email address to login. Some users believe that email address is common knowledge (anyone you email has your email address). This could potentially make it easier for someone to brute-force their password. This plugin allows you to disable login with email address feature in WordPress.

For more on this topic see our article on how to disable login with email address feature in WordPress.

10. Prevent Concurrent Logins

Concurrent Logins

If you use WordPress to sell courses online or run a membership website, then this means users can share their passwords with friends, and you could lose new business. Prevent Concurrent Logins automatically kills user session if a password is used while the user is still logged in.

Learn more about it in our guide on how to stop users from sharing passwords in WordPress.

11. LinkedIn Login

LinkedIn Login

Want to allow your users to login using their LinkedIn account? LinkedIn Login plugin allows you to easily add a login with LinkedIn button to your WordPress login screen. It also allows users to register with their LinkedIn account.

Check out more LinkedIn WordPress plugins to win new customers and grow your professional network.

12. Simple History

Simple History

Do you want to see when users logged in or out of your WordPress site? Simple History plugin allows you to easily track user activity on your WordPress site including their login activity. You can see when a user logged in and what they did during their session.

For more details see our guide on how to monitor user activity in WordPress.

13. Password Protected

Password Protected

Do you need to password protect an entire WordPress site? Password Protected plugin allows you to easily make your WordPress site password protected. You can allow administrators and logged in users to view it. You can also set a master password that you can share with users you want to allow.

For step by step instructions, see our guide on how to password protect your WordPress without user registration.

14. Idle User Logout

Idle user logout

Sometimes your users may forget to logout, close browser window, or could accidentally check the remember me option on a public computer. This means that anyone using that computer can access your WordPress site. Idle User Logout allows you to automatically logout a user if they have been idle for a specific time.

For more details see our guide on how to automatically logout idle users in WordPress.

15. WP Last Login

WP Last Login

Want to see when users last logged in? This allows you to find out which users haven’t signed in, and you can send them an email or delete their account. WP Last Login allows you to quickly see each user’s last login date on the Users page.

Learn more about it in our article on how to show user’s last login date in WordPress.

16. Peter’s Login Redirect

Want to redirect users to different pages after they login? Peter’s Login Redirect plugin allows you to easily redirect users after they login. You can redirect users with specific user roles and capabilities. You can also setup redirects after registration.

See our article on how to redirect users after successful login in WordPress.

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress login page plugins for your website. You may also want to see our list of 24 must have WordPress plugins for business websites.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 16 Best WordPress Login Page Plugins appeared first on WPBeginner.

source http://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/best-wordpress-login-page-plugins/