Chrome Updates Scroll Anchoring Feature To Prevent Jump Pages

Chrome Updates Scroll Anchoring Feature To Prevent Jump Pages

Chrome Updates Scroll Anchoring Feature To Prevent Jump Pages.

Google scroll anchoring feature tested in chrome beta version last year. But now its update for all version.. 

Web developers want the content of a web page load first after they load images and advertisements. In the latest Chrome version (56) prevents unexpected page jumps with a new feature called scroll anchoring. More focus about scroll anchoring feature on Mobile devices. Mobile screen is smaller mean more content is offscreen and page jumps are more likely.

What is Scroll Anchoring?

This feature works by locking the scroll position on an on-screen element to keep users in the same spot even as offscreen content continues to load.

Google said in the blog,

These annoying page jumps typically happen when the website inserts an image or other content above the visible area, pushing down what's on the screen. With the newest Chrome update, we're introducing something called scroll anchoring, which locks the content you're currently looking at to the screen, keeping you in the same spot so you can keep reading. Check out a side-by-side comparison, without and with scroll anchoring.

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