How to install Openfire /Chat Server in Ubuntu 16.10/16.XX

Openfire is an opensource chat/messaging server that provides chatting facility between one and more than one people in group. Software is written in Java and offers easy to maintain and  integrate with Zimbra messaging server, outlook ,Asterisk and others.

Openfire installation is very easy and it's package( deb, rpm ) is available almost all distros.

Official website to download latest package 
$ wget

Install Java as required for Openfire
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre

Install Openfire package
$ sudo dpkg -i openfire_4.1.3_all.deb

After installation of package, service start automatically
~$ sudo systemctl status openfire
[sudo] password for shahzad:
â openfire.service - LSB: Start/stop openfire jabber server
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/openfire; generated; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2017-04-01 17:19:42 IST; 26min ago

Now package installed, you can access Openfire on your web browser and configure this.
for secure access

In first screen choose your preferred language 
 Check the basic hostname settings and click on Continue
Select Embedded Database , as i am keeping the default settings.
Here you can select profile option as needed . Select Default and click on Continue . 
Setup Admin control panel password
Click on Login to the admin console, It will redirect you to Admin login screen.
Now finally login openfire admin console with you above created credential .
Openfire Dashboad screen
You have now successfully setup all the settings and login in to Admin panel, further you can create and configure user account as per your need and start chatting.

Create User account , Click on Users/Group => Create New User , and fill the user name and password and click on create user.
Install Software for windwos client, you can download software as per operating system.
URL to download Spark Client
After downloading Spark software, install this in windows machine and login to the software with your Openfire user credential.
As Successfully, Server and client side setup has been done. Now create user accordingly and start chatting.