How to offload WordPress images to Amazon S3

WordPress media items, such as images, videos and audio files, tend to take up a lot of space on your server’s storage drive. This can lead to a decline in your site’s speed over time, especially if you’re someone who publishes a lot of content with high-quality images. Fortunately, you can integrate your WordPress site with Amazon S3, Amazon’s cloud storage service that’s a part of the Amazon Web Services ecosystem. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to integrate your site with Amazon S3 with the help of two plugins from Delicious Brains, the developers of the ever popular WP Migrate DB plugin. We’ll be using their other product, WP Offload S3.
The WordPress images on your site as well as any other types of media you upload to WordPress will be stored in and served from Amazon S3 once all is said and done. Let’s get started.
Amazon Web Services & Amazon S3 Overview
We’ll be using the free WP Offload S3 Lite and Amazon Web Services WordPress plugins for this integration. You’ll also need accounts for Amazon Web Services and Amazon S3. All of this is free to start out with, so there’s no need to worry about paying high
