Mousejack Transmit - Wireless Mouse/Keyboard Attack With Replay/Transmit PoC

This is code extending the mousejack tools
Replay/transmit tools have been added to the original tools.
POC packets based on a Logitech Wireless Combo MK220 which consists of a K220 wireless keyboard and an M150 wireless mouse are included in the logs folder.
More details available here

Pseudo-promiscuous mode device discovery tool, which sweeps a list of channels and prints out decoded Enhanced Shockburst packets.
  usage: ./ [-h] [-c N [N ...]] [-v] [-l] [-p PREFIX] [-d DWELL]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c N [N ...], --channels N [N ...] RF channels
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output
-l, --lna Enable the LNA (for CrazyRadio PA dongles)
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX Promiscuous mode address prefix
-d DWELL, --dwell DWELL Dwell time per channel, in milliseconds
Scan for devices on channels 1-5
  ./ -c {1..5}  
Scan for devices with an address starting in 0xA9 on all channels
  ./ -p A9  

Device following sniffer, which follows a specific nRF24 device as it hops, and prints out decoded Enhanced Shockburst packets from the device. This version has also been modified to log the packets to a log file
  usage: ./ [-h] [-c N [N ...]] [-v] [-l] -a ADDRESS -o OUTPUT [-t TIMEOUT] [-k ACK_TIMEOUT] [-r RETRIES] 

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c N [N ...], --channels N [N ...] RF channels
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output
-l, --lna Enable the LNA (for CrazyRadio PA dongles)
-a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS Address to sniff, following as it changes channels
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT Output file to log the packets
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT Channel timeout, in milliseconds
-k ACK_TIMEOUT, --ack_timeout ACK_TIMEOUT ACK timeout in microseconds, accepts [250,4000], step 250
-r RETRIES, --retries RETRIES Auto retry limit, accepts [0,15]
Sniff packets from address 8C:D3:0F:3E:B4 on all channels and save them to output.log
  ./ -a 8C:D3:0F:3E:B4 -o logs/output.log  

Replay captured packets or transmit generated ones. It follows a specific nRF24 device as it hops, and sends packets from a log file.
  usage: ./ [-h] [-c N [N ...]] [-v] [-l] -a ADDRESS -i INPUT_FILE [-t TIMEOUT] [-k ACK_TIMEOUT] [-r RETRIES] 

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c N [N ...], --channels N [N ...] RF channels
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output
-l, --lna Enable the LNA (for CrazyRadio PA dongles)
-a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS Address to sniff, following as it changes channels
-o INPUT_FILE, --input INPUT_FILE Input file that has the packets to sned
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT Channel timeout, in milliseconds
-k ACK_TIMEOUT, --ack_timeout ACK_TIMEOUT ACK timeout in microseconds, accepts [250,4000], step 250
-r RETRIES, --retries RETRIES Auto retry limit, accepts [0,15]
Send packets from file keystroke.log to address 8C:D3:0F:3E:B4 on hopping channel
  ./ -a 8C:D3:0F:3E:B4 -i logs/keystroke.log  

network mapper
Star network mapper, which attempts to discover the active addresses in a star network by changing the last byte in the given address, and pinging each of 256 possible addresses on each channel in the channel list.
  usage: ./ [-h] [-c N [N ...]] [-v] [-l] -a ADDRESS [-p PASSES] [-k ACK_TIMEOUT] [-r RETRIES]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c N [N ...], --channels N [N ...] RF channels
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output
-l, --lna Enable the LNA (for CrazyRadio PA dongles)
-a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS Known address
-p PASSES, --passes PASSES Number of passes (default 2)
-k ACK_TIMEOUT, --ack_timeout ACK_TIMEOUT ACK timeout in microseconds, accepts [250,4000], step 250
-r RETRIES, --retries RETRIES Auto retry limit, accepts [0,15]
Map the star network that address 61:49:66:82:03 belongs to
  ./ -a 61:49:66:82:03  

continuous tone test
The nRF24LU1+ chips include a test mechanism to transmit a continuous tone, the frequency of which can be verified if you have access to an SDR. There is the potential for frequency offsets between devices to cause unexpected behavior. For instance, one of the SparkFun breakout boards that was tested had a frequency offset of ~300kHz, which caused it to receive packets on two adjacent channels.
This script will cause the transceiver to transmit a tone on the first channel that is passed in.
  usage: ./ [-h] [-c N [N ...]] [-v] [-l]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c N [N ...], --channels N [N ...] RF channels
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output
-l, --lna Enable the LNA (for CrazyRadio PA dongles)
Transmit a continuous tone at 2405MHz
  ./ -c 5  

Packet generator script
This uses a dictionary to map keyboard presses to the equivalent packets. It reads stdin input and logs the mapped packets to logs/keystrokes.log. It will accept input until Ctrl+C is pressed.
  usage: ./   

Log files
The folder logs contains various pre-saved packets for various keyboard operations.
Shell.log is for exploitation of a Windows machine by running a powershell one-liner which connects back to the attacker machine.
The file keys.log serves as a reference where various key presses and combinations are mapped to their equivalent packets.

A demo of exploiting a Windows machine:

from KitPloit - PenTest Tools! full article here