Obsidian Icon Theme 1.1 Released, Primary developed for Linux Mint and Ubuntu GNOME

Faeanza-based icon theme with a few new app-icons, blue or green folders and new mimetype icons.
Primary developed for Linux Mint and Ubuntu GNOME. Limited support for KDE Plasma.

Usage on dark themes recommended, e.g.

Suggestions for single icons are very welcome for further development!


Added some Gnome and Arch / Manjaro stuff
  • A few more app icons have been added to support Gnome apps and some Arch specific applications.
  • Also a bug with black status icons has been fixed
  • Big thanks for the replies!!

How to Setup Obsidian Icon Theme 1.1 in Linux Mint and Ubuntu GNOME :

Download theme :
wget https://dl.opendesktop.org/api/files/download/id/1492134008/obsidian-1-iconpack.zip

After download is finished, extract theme and copy to /usr/share/icons

Open ubuntu Tweak for Change Ubuntu Icon, like this :

Enjoy! I hope this article adding you more clarity.