Take a Tour of the Alcor Cryonics Facility
The Alcor Life Extension Foundation currently has ~150 people in cryopreservation as whole bodies or brains. Ironically, it hosts all of these “frozen humans” (they prefer the term vitrified) in the hottest possible US location – Scottsdale, AZ. It’s a good thing their large storage tanks can last 6-8 months with no power or outside inputs before they run out of liquid nitrogen.
Mark O’Connell’s new book “To Be a Machine: Adventures Among Cyborgs, Utopians, Hackers, and the Futurists Solving the Modest Problem of Death” describes his tour of the facilities and conversations with President & CEO Max More.
Groups of four are kept in refrigerators cooled by liquid nitrogen (middle and left), after treatment in the operating room (right) (Courtesy of Alcor Life Extension Foundation)
Even if you have heard about cryogenics before it might surprise you to see that the pricing minimums start at $100k for a head (neuropreservation) and $200k for a whole body. There are insurance policies, annual member fees and lots of add-on expenses depending on how and where the death occurs.
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